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NewsFeed option too limited ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Max Apr 11 '13
Hello all,

I think i have miss something. In the news feed plug in, is it possible to desactivate things like that ? :

-"user x" commented on "user x2" on blabla ?
-"user x" liked that "user x3" joined the site ?

I don't like this in my newsfeed, its useless but i can't see where i can tweak that (in the plug in setup i don't see where i can do that).

So it's possible or not ? :(

Thx in adv for your help.
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 12 '13
Go to yoursite.com/admin/plugins/newsfeed/customization.

You will see various configuration options.

If you unchecl 'Expanded likes and comments by default', the messages should not appear.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 16 '13
Max, this requires custom code modification.
Max May 3 '13

Quote from Aliia Max, this requires custom code modification.

That's why i ask the question :) I think it's a really easy modification, some help any1 ?