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theme adapte to update | Forum

Ana Rosa
Ana Rosa Apr 12 '13


I wonder what are the changes that I make in my file base.css to my theme fits the new update.

I've already put the party chat

/ * ----- * ---- Chat Styles /

and part of the console

/ * ---- * ---- Styles Page Console /

But the issue is still not ok.

I use the theme cherry and must continue using this.

I did a test site to adapt to the new default theme before putting it in my community, if they want to see


Thank you

Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Ana, given links results in Internal Server Error.

>>what are the changes that I make in my file base.css to my theme fits the new update.

Can't give you exact list of the changes.
You will need to do everything manually.
If chat is not working, you will need to go to source files of the chat plugin, find classes used there and add those classed to your theme.

Easiest and the best way is to contact theme's designer, so that he/she updates the theme.