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new "İnvite Friends" function [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Kadri Apr 13 '13
 (i searched for this issue in the forums but i didnt find) 

 new "invite friends" button looks very pretty i tested it but  it doesn't seem to work,  i send invitation to  myself, but unfortunately i don't receive none

what should i do?

thank you

The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 15 '13
Kadri Apr 13 '13
off course i checked spams too, the invitations didn't arrive 
Soundchum web solution
yes the same with me

no emails sent

Alia Team
Alia Apr 14 '13

1. Have you set your email under settings>>main settings ?
2. Did you do update or you installed 1.5.2 right away.
3. If you did clean install, did you refresh the page before checking whether email was sent?

Try following:

1. Go to your database>>"ow_base_mail" table. See  whether any emails are in this table.
2. Send an invitation
3. Check ow_base_mail table ( refresh the page), see whether your email appeared there.
4. Refresh any page on your site.
5.  Refresh the page  with your database table again, see whether email disappeared.

Soundchum web solution
where it located ? ow_base_mail
MarkieMark67 Apr 15 '13
1.    Login to Host

2.    From Cpanel select myPHPadmin

3.    Select correct data base, and look for ow_base_mail table

Soundchum web solution
i do

i find email and do refresh but no email sent to my yahoo