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does anyone know where this file is located? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
tracy Apr 13 '13
i want to set the background color to transparent for the page that the inline frame is pointing to when you click to add a photo into a blog, this is where the inline frame source is but I don't know which file find this....this is for the editor on the new blog page

http:// ; www.mywebsite.com/base/media-panel/index/pluginKey/blog/id/
The Forum post is edited by tracy Apr 13 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 16 '13
Tracy, are you referring to the area in blue on my screen shot?
If yes try playing around with following styles:

.floatbox_overlayBG {

    background-color: #2EFEF7;    opacity0.75;

tracy Apr 16 '13
actually, the white background in the box, i would like to change it to transparent, but unfortunately it is an inline frame and i can't seem to find the file that it is associated with, I'm assuming it is maybe something to do with the system and not the template....
Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '13
Tracy try playing around with media_panel_index.html.
This is the place where the iframe is taken from, so if you manage to make the background transparent there, it should be transparent within the page where you upload images to blogs.

I am not a designer myself, so it is just a hint. Might work out.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '13
You can find media_panel_index.html under ow_system_plugins/base/views/controllers.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 17 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
tracy Apr 17 '13
thank you Aliia, you are so beautiful :)