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Introducing Oxwall to Internet Marketers | Forum

Ibrahim Apr 15 '13
Hi there,

I've been dabbling with internet marketing since July 2012. This led me to warrior forum, forum special offer, jvzoo, etc. WordPress is the beloved CMS.

I see a great potential for Oxwall to penetrate the internet market relating to business model that requires building a community or  collaboration among members. Of course, BuddyPress (a wordpress plugin for social networking) is there but Oxwall has some relative advantages.

I was able to find a business idea which I want to implement at www.internetmarketershelper.com (not yet established). The site will focus on review of internet marketing tools as well as developing plugins and themes for marketers based on Oxwall.

I am looking for  like minded developers to join me. If you are one, please sent a private message to me.

Sam Carter
Sam Carter Feb 21 '23

i recently hired a Digital marketing Company named Marketing Blink for my website development , they were as fast ,reliable and professional just like how fast can jet skis go, i would like to suggest you to hire them for your website as well , 


The Forum post is edited by Sam Carter Feb 21 '23
Hayes Feb 21 '23
A great beautiful game for kids. Papa’s Pizzeria teaches you how to schedule time in the kitchen and make delicious pizzas.