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Anyone else an ex smoker? | Forum

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idayrare corded
Hey fellas. I've been riding a mountain bike for quite some time as well as smoking. I love both of those activities, I won't BS you. But for a handful of reasons, I have finally decided to quit smoking. I'm not badass enough to go cold turkey, though I am weening down significantly. A month into this journey and I'm almost there. I reckon another month and I'm done done. At this point I am smoking maybe one smoke a day and dwindling.

So my question is, anyone else here in a similar situation as mine? You used to be both a mountain biker and a smoker?

Did it help your lungs a lot on your ride? I am between bikes right now (long story) and my last ride was as a smoker. Within the next week or two , I will have my bike built up and ready to rip and rally and I've been fantasizing about having superhero like abilities, which I somehow don't think will happen.
Oli Stone
Oli Stone Jul 31
Im 46 and quit after 32 years of smoking. I only started riding a few years ago but there was about a year timeframe where I rode quite a bit while smoking almost a pack a day. It sucked, it really sucked. Never thought I would be able to ride more than 10 miles or 1000 ft of elevation. I regularly ride 3x that in terms of distance and climbing. That might not be much to most on here, but for me thats a damn win. Sure, a lot of the improvement can be credited to time on the saddle, but Im 100% confident I would be not riding as much as I am now had I continued smoking.It will take some time after that last cig, but the benefits should be felt in a huge way. It did for me at least. YMMV
Norman Fallan
Norman Fallan Jul 31
I found cutting down gradually helped a lot, so kudos to you for almost kicking the habit. As for biking after quitting, it made a huge difference for me. I could breathe easier and go longer without feeling winded. It's like every ride became more enjoyable and less of a struggle. Switching to vaping with Packman Vapes really helped me cut down. It's been a journey, but I feel a lot better on rides now. Stick with it, and you'll definitely notice those superhero-like abilities kicking in sooner than you think. And hey, if you ever need some biking tips or just want to chat about kicking bad habits, this community's got your back.