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Likes and comments not working | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
webcs Club
webcs Apr 28 '13
When I open more pages then comments and Likes will not work any more
But it worked on the previous pages
plz help me

For example, the first or second page of comments and Likes working but when I click on more pages it doesn't work and comments and Likes can not open in other pages
The Forum post is edited by webcs Apr 28 '13
webcs Club
webcs Apr 28 '13
Anyone ever been faced with this problem?
Alia Team
Alia Apr 28 '13
I wasn't able to reproduce this.
Can you test on our demo at http://demo.oxwall.org/index ?

webcs Club
webcs Apr 29 '13
This is my address:hooor.net
The demo should be ok
But my problem about my site still Exists
You can test for me?
webcs Club
webcs Apr 29 '13
I checked to see how someone fix it
Alia Team
Alia May 2 '13
alireza jahani fard, given site URL is not opening.
webcs Club
webcs May 2 '13
My Site
Alia Team
Alia May 3 '13
webcs Club
webcs May 3 '13
Occurs for some users.
Unable to open website
  And when I hit the open problems mentioned above are
MarkieMark67 May 3 '13
Works for me
Alia Team
Alia May 6 '13
Alireza, I wanted to check on your site but were not able to register.
You have modified the source code, and unfortunately I can not help you with any issues that might appear because of the custom code modifications.  Try disabling all third party javascript code and see whether this fixes the newsfeed issue you have originally reported.