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deleted profile questions wont go away | Forum

Fernando Blanco
Fernando Blanco Apr 30 '13
On my oxwall installation, i deleted some of the profile questions and now they wont go away, take a look at this
in the place where they ask for the relationship it shows
and the questions readl
Base+question_..... p
please tell me how to fix it.
Joseph Apr 30 '13
everything looks good from here i signed up and and checked profile edit and checked pre-existing profiles and saw no issue
Fernando Blanco
Fernando Blanco Apr 30 '13
I hid it with css, but it is there, trust me
Fernando Blanco
Fernando Blanco Apr 30 '13

Quote from Joseph everything looks good from here i signed up and and checked profile edit and checked pre-existing profiles and saw no issue

I hid it with css, but its there, trust me,
Joseph Apr 30 '13
does it show up on sign up pages,profile edit and profiles or only select pages?
Alia Team
Alia Apr 30 '13

1. Enable DEV mode in config.php and refresh your site several times.

2. If this doesn't help can you send a screen shot of the admin panel page where we can see that questions were deleted and screen shot of your join form where we can see that questions are still there.
Andy Jun 14 '13

Any info how to fix this? I tried DEV mode, but it didn't help.

BTW. enabling dev-mode makes the site very unresponsive - is this normal?



Alia Team
Alia Jun 17 '13
Andy, it is normal.
Thanks for the screen, can you make sure that you have enabled DEV mode in the right place ( http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug)? Also can you give your site URL?