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When we post Likes we want to disable status updates on index page [Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
webcs Club
webcs Apr 30 '13
1. When we post Likes we want to disable status updates on index page
2. They do not notice our post Likes
Please help me
  Until now Whatever I post nobody reply

The Forum post is edited by Alia May 6 '13
Alia Team
Alia May 2 '13
>>1. When we post Likes we want to disable status updates on index page

You mean if you "like" any content on your site, you don't want the newsfeed on your main page to show this action?

If that is what you mean, you will need to modify source code of newsfeed plugin.

>>2. They do not notice our post Likes

What do you mean?
webcs Club
webcs May 2 '13
Yes, I mean that's why you said
Alia Team
Alia May 3 '13
alireza jahani fard, you will need to dig into source code of the newsfeed plugin. Oxwall support doesn't include custom code modifications, therefore I can't provide step by step instructions.
webcs Club
webcs May 3 '13
Thank you.