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Oxwall Support in emergency's | Forum

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Shaun May 1 '13
Down time for a site can be a real problem and not all web masters are experts.

I chose oxwall because it is described as easy to set up, customise and run.

It is however sometimes things go wrong that can't be solved through the admin pannel and we need to play about with the the php files and get involved in more technical issues.

I was wondering if oxwall or a developer with an understanding php programing, Someone we can trust has ever considerd a service wherby the less technicly gifted of us could call you up, allow hosting or site access to solve these issues for us for a monthly fee.

I Know oxwall is non profit but the money could be used to help development whilst the rest of know we have some security.

Is anyone else intrested in a service like this?

Thank to all the community members who help out when things go wrong.
Alia Team
Alia May 2 '13
Shaun, this kind of service will be launched soon.