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Admin role setting | Forum

Turnkey Biz geek
Turnkey Biz geek May 6 '13
Hi guys,  just uploaded the script and I updated the roles not to allow free members to upload video, add groups ect.  

I only want the admin to be able to for now.  But when adjusting the roles,  The admin not is not able to upload anything I checked off, in the free roles.

This is odd, I fig Admin as "God" rights.  Any advice

Ronnel DC
Ronnel DC May 6 '13
Make a new Role and name it  ADMIN .

then set all privileges to that role.
Go to your profile and change/add your role.

Alia Team
Alia May 6 '13

This topic might also be of some help: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/9037