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Roles amount seem to be limited or problem with saving them | Forum

Nikodem May 7 '13
It's strange, but when I try to update changes in user roles - after I click save - they don't get saved. There was no problem to some extent and then it stoped saving them. It seems like it worked within limitations because I unclicked some and then added some and it worked. But doing same thing next time didn't work. So i guess it's some sort of problem with saving the roles. But why, is it the number of roles?

I have about 10 User Roles and quite a lot of plugins, so there's a lot of roles to click and unclick. Yet still, it doesn't make sens, is it some Oxwall limitation or simply a bug?

The Forum post is edited by Nikodem May 7 '13
Nikodem May 10 '13
I'd realy appreciate some help with this or at least some hints, what could be the problem. That's the last thing, that pauses me from the start of my site.
Alia Team
Alia May 14 '13
Nikodem, I am not able to reproduce the issue on my Oxwall installation.
Will you be able to provide admin  panel access details to me to check this issue directly on your site?