I want to wrap the captcha display on the bottom of the new member registration so that it is not affected by choosing NO option on the admin permissions page for guests to view.
If you choose guests cannot view, then the registration shows fine so they can try to register, but the captcha does not show so they cant.
So what i want to do is find the captcha code and secure it on the same permission level as the registration so that it shows.
so far in my search i have found the start of my trail lol.... i found the ow_system_plugins/admin/controller/permissions.php
and in that file i found
$guestsCanView = new RadioField('guests_can_view');
$guestsCanView->addOptions(array('1' => $language->text('admin', 'permissions_index_yes'), '2' => $language->text('admin', 'permissions_index_no'), '3' => $language->text('admin', 'permissions_index_with_password')));
$guestsCanView->setLabel($language->text('admin', 'permissions_index_guests_can_view_site'));
$guestsCanView->setDescription($language->text('admin', 'permissions_idex_if_not_yes_will_override_settings'));
ok so now when i get to the captcha file i need to be able to trap this
'2' => $language->text('admin', 'permissions_index_no'), and see if it is in fact 2, if so then let them in anyway... we only want to stop them with password, so i guess i will need to trap for the password option as well.