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http://www.paypalwarning.com/ | Forum

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Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 12 '13

I left the following comment on a plugin that I was prepared to spend $20 on but I have gotten no reply:


The scum at paypal are just that.   See http://www.paypalwarning.com/

If there is no other way to buy your plugin except by setting up a paypal account I will just have to do without.

Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 12 '13
I think paypal is scamming you if they FORCE your potential customers to set up a paypal account in order to buy from you.  The more people know about paypal the more who don't want it.
dave Leader
dave May 12 '13

You never have to set up a paypal account, they give you the option on that page to use a credit card instead of opening an account.


I know some people have issues with paypal just as they do with other companys.  But that website you posted says they have 100,000 complaints on file.  Well paypal has 110 million accounts according to current stats so thats about .09 percent of its total customers.  Which falls into the normal to less than normal range worldwide for any company.


I have had paypal for over 5 years and have never had one single issue with them.   I also think that website you posted uses unethical methods to get business.  Its one thing to have a website to let people post their complaints, its quite another to use that website to bolster or use that as a foundation as a sales pitch for another company.   I guess maybe they are not smart enough to get business on their own they have to use methods like that to attract business... Sad Sad Sad...

The Forum post is edited by dave May 12 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 12 '13
Quote from dave You never have to set up a paypal account, they give you the option on that page to use a credit card instead of opening an account.

If that were the case I would have purchased their plugin as I have purchased several others.  Try it yourself.



dave Leader
dave May 12 '13
Yeah they dont have their form set up correctly, mine gives the option to use your account, set up account, or pay with cc without an account.... i see your point..
Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 19 '13
Quote from FoxTechs
Dave is right though, you don't need to have a PayPal account if you're a customer. PayPal is mainly used as a billing gateway (so it's basically like a real life credit card swiper online) and they give you the option to pay without an account. 


Not in this particular case.  The only option was to create a paypal account.  I did hear from the plugin author to go to some weird site and put $20 on some card but then he never bothered to respond to my reply so I will let this one go.

dave Leader
dave May 19 '13

Yes for sure, you have to wonder if they cant do a simple paypal form correctly (which unless you are doing something special with the form, is pretty much copy and paste)  maybe that says something about their ability to write a plugin or their lack of customer service.  Maybe your better off..  Right now as slow as projects have been lately i would definetly bend over backwards for 20 bucks.  But then again maybe they didnt write the plugin in the first place, maybe someone else did it for them, who knows..    When they get hungry enough they will come callen im sure.  But then we as customers always have the choice to say hit the road jack, later jack lol..

Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 19 '13

Quote from dave

 Right now as slow as projects have been lately i would definetly bend over backwards for 20 bucks.  

Do you have a plugin to boost the SEO of a site to make it more search engine friendly but not break something when the next upgrade comes or anything like that?  One would think that stuff like that would be built into the basic Oxwall, but....

dave Leader
dave May 19 '13

I understand what you mean, but no i am not a plugin builder yet.  I am still learning the software as i convert some of my sites to oxwall.  I do have some software that i have written such as an affiliate software, poll software, and php licensing software but they are not built as plugins although they are quite easy to install as a bridge off the oxwall.     But i have not had the time to work on any plugin adapters for them yet.  One day i will do some plugins but that will be awhile..


You do know there is no magic potion for SEO right?    If there was everyone would do it.  The truth is that there are only a few people that know how search engine rankings really work and those are the owners of  the major search engines, and software engineers that work for the company, and they are bound to silence.  Even many of those engineers only know one small part of it, it is intentional by design and to protect the integrity of it all.   If noone knows the secret then there is no insider BS ya know.


I would never rely on hocus pocus web sites that promise top listings, most of them are full of horse hockey.  All most of them do is apply the same principles that you can on your own for free.  The SEO business is another business in my opinion that has exploited peoples lack of knowledge and lazyness to make tons of money, and its not the SEO sites fault, its the consumers fault.


Anyone can split hairs on this topic, there are a zillion variances if you want to go that way.  But the bare bones is still the same, a popular site gets traffic from word of mouth, advertising, and most importantly content.  Content is the main factor of any successful site. Example look at craigs list, is it fancy NO, does it have tons of flash eye candy NO.    It has content that people want, and that is the key. 


So forget all the hocus pocus websites that promise pipe dreams for cash.   Just stay diligent and use that money to advertise, buy features that people will like.  And develope CONTENT! 


Ok i am off my podiem now lol.... :)  enjoy your day

The Forum post is edited by dave May 19 '13
Steve Winter
Steve Winter May 19 '13
The thing was to make the forum post links read with a bit of the subject rather than simply wowgreatwebsite.com/forum/topic/73

More like


I assume that would be more search engine friendly,  maybe not....

How important is sitemap and stuff like that?

dave Leader
dave May 19 '13

Understood,  however it would be hypocrisy for me to even attempt to explain what they actually look for and in the exact format they look for it.   I will say however that it is known fact that at one time meta tags were the high on priority of things you must do, but now days many search engines dont even care if you have meta tags or not, however people still do them thinking its better to be safe than sorry.   


 In that frame of mind the same applies to sitemaps,  who really knows what, if anything,  site maps do for you, other than make it easier for your visitors to navagate so maybe that will improve page rank by keeping then on longer since they find what they want. 


I  have them on some of my sites (i created them myself rather then have some sort of site map builder do it)  and i have not seen a huge increase in my page rank or anything else, but yet some people swear by them.


That is why i allways go back to the root of what is known to work, advertising, traffic, and content.