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Agent B
Agent B May 12 '13
I was recently told it is illegal to distribute/sell personalized oxwall software which I didn't believe because it is open source but I wanted to make sure. If it is not legal to do this then I'm wasting my time doing what I have been doing and oxwall isnt for me.. Need feedback asap.
Alia Team
Alia May 12 '13
Agent, according to our policy ( http://www.oxwall.org/license ), you can distribute/sell personalized oxwall software. You just need to keep original attribution links, so that your customers know that you are distributing oxwall software based solution.
Agent B
Agent B May 13 '13
Is there any way I can move that link to a less popular section of the website like terms where I could give an honest shout out stating my site is powered by oxwall rather than the unattractive orange bar?
dave Leader
dave May 13 '13

I did not like the orange either so this is what i did.  I left the Oxwall image in place but i just changed the image to be less obtrusive. 


Now i am not selling or redist the software so i think what i did is fine.  But may be different for you.   I will include the image i made to replace the orange one here.


Aliia will need to verify or not i you can do this as well.  I am just sharing what i did.


Attachment removed due to oxwall having its own special replacements for this now..


Image attached.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 20 '13
Agent B
Agent B May 13 '13
That would be completely fine, hopefully it's a yes :3
Agent B
Agent B May 15 '13
Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
Agent B, all allowed variations of the the attribution image are given here: http://www.oxwall.org/attribution .

Using any other image is violation of our polices.
dave Leader
dave May 20 '13

Thanks Aliia, thats great info, i will change mine back tonight and use one of those as well. 


 I also think maybe it is a good idea to have all of those in the admin setup section or even theme section so that people can select the one they want to use, it would be a good feature benefit  i think.


It would also be nice to have one with a transparent background/black letters,  for white themes.


I also removed my attachment in the previous post since you have replacements.


Again thanks... :)


PS just remember folks that after you download one of those you need to rename it powered-by-oxwall.png and then upload it.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 20 '13
Agent B
Agent B May 20 '13
Wow -__- what is the difference...
dave Leader
dave May 20 '13


we jumped the gun a bit didnt we lol...  or maybe we brought up something they needed to address... well at least you know how to do it now.. if not let me know... :)   


And i understand your question as well, my guess is that legally they have to designate specifically for the license requirements.  Its just like any other TOS you have to spell it out and be very specific because attornys will rip it apart otherwise..  Thats my guess anyway..

Agent B
Agent B May 20 '13
Yeah a little bit lol I just don't get how changing the color from orange to clear/gray is against any rules when it's still a link to oxwall. My color scheme is black/gray/white so the fruity orange color just completely blasts everything out of proportion. 1/5 users on my site question it. Gets pretty annoying.
dave Leader
dave May 20 '13

Agreed, logos and attributes can be picky.   Some day take a look at the requirements to make your own FB logo or YouTube logo, they really drive you nuts with pickyness.   They measure everything by mm so much ht, width,  and even the space between letters and the font of the letters.  If you off just a bit, your can get legal action against you...


Its another case where lawyers fighting lawyers has made it horrible for us on the front line.

The Forum post is edited by dave May 20 '13
Agent B
Agent B May 20 '13
I don't even know how to change it back, am I going to be arrested?!?!?!

I guess Oxwall will just be temporary for me..
dave Leader
dave May 20 '13

Yes they will take you down to guantanamo and lock you away in a deep dark cell and never charge you with anything but being a combatent lol...   troublemaker LMAO  


I changed to the black image and it works well, just download it, right click save as and name it the same and upload it...  then refresh your cache...