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93 connections or more. It is an attack on a vulnerability of the system? | Forum

Esmoof May 14 '13
Accumulation of connections, users are no longer online. But still appear as online. The web has become very slow. They are creating connections from the accounts of other users? It is an attack leg pull down the web?

See screenshot

Best Regards

  connections.png (63.08Kb)
Alia Team
Alia May 21 '13
Esmoof, correct me if I am wrong you are not using "Friends" plugin and users can chat with anybody on  your site ?

Cron should have offlined those users if they were inactive for some time. Can you make sure that your Cron is up and running? ( do you receive activity notifications by email)? Do members stay "online" forever under "Members" section of your site?