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Problem with Gifts | Forum

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Donamix May 15 '13

Does anyone know why is this happening?

It's showing a link, it should only show the gift image doesn't it?

dave Leader
dave May 15 '13
im using macabre theme and mine does not show the link, just the gift image.   What theme are you using, maybe even provide a page source of that area might help Aliia out.. strange..
Donamix May 15 '13
Sorry, i deleted the gift i didn;t want it to show that way to all members on my site.

I'm using Revolution theme, the page source is social.donamix.com

Joseph May 19 '13
it seems the problem no longer persists can you confirm?
Donamix May 20 '13

Quote from Joseph it seems the problem no longer persists can you confirm?

Well, i just noticed this issue is only happening on some of the gifts not all.