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TODO script notes | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
dave Leader
dave May 17 '13

I was just curious if Oxwall does actally go back to the TODO script notes and perform those tasks. 


How is that handled, is there a process in place?  


Some scripts use that note in combination with a project task number on the dev side to remind that it needs to be done.


Or do the dev's just do them as they find them? 


I ask because if there is not a plan in place to handle those then some of those could potentially never get done. 



Alia Team
Alia May 20 '13
Dave, developers  are aware of the things they need to complete. ToDo notes are just additional reminders to the actual "to do" lists they have.
dave Leader
dave May 20 '13
Thanks Aliia :)