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The ability to use a url (open in new window) question - Smart Captcha | Forum

dave Leader
dave May 20 '13

I would like to see the ability to use a url as a question, such as:




Go to this url and tell me what color the image is.  


The problem is that because they filter html you cant put a link in the question text.  Will it work if you do a button or link will it let you click on it, yes but the whole code shows in the question not just the link text. And that makes it look horrible as a question.


   So if you put example  <a href="whatever" target="_blank">page</a>  it shows the actual code on the question instead of just the word page.


I would like to see allowable html and open in new window.  That way i can direct them to look at the image without leaving the join form....

The Forum post is edited by dave May 20 '13
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