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Custom fields in language | Forum

Alex May 20 '13
I apologize for my English. I'm from Spain and languages ​​not taught at school. Thanks Google!!! :P

I'm trying to
create custom fields in the translation to translate items created by me, but in the section "Settings" -> "Languages​​" change the selection and select Custom Category, I do not fields appear. I tried to add the file lang3.php, which is the Spanish file, but when I update the website the file is rewritten by Oxwall software. Then I researched and modified the database to add these custom fields so you can translate small portions of the web page added by me. But back to search custom item "Settings" -> "Language" and remain unaccounted for.

How I can create custom fields in a language?
Daisy Team
Daisy May 22 '13
Alex, as far as I've understood you want to add a new text key. If so, please follow the instructions on how to activate the possibility to add/delete keys described in this thread: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10277?page=1#post-51831 .

If I took you wrong - please provide me with more details.
Alex May 22 '13
Now does not load the page. He stayed a while loading and then goes blank, does not load a small piece of html code when I look the source. You know why that is? I will have to perform a clean install?
Alex May 22 '13
I think it has something to do with customizing the theme. How I can change the default theme without going to the administration panel? From the database?

I changed the name of the theme folder and has given me a 500 error, internal server error. I returned the theme name to see that I was now still returns the error 500. I even restarted the Apache and MySQL server, but I still get the error 500.

If I change this variable define ('OW_DEV_MODE', true) to false I load the page but not cascading style sheet and if I give true value, reappears me 500 error. What is this? It has to do with the cache? There a way to delete it or reset it?
The Forum post is edited by Alex May 22 '13
Alex Romero
Alex Romero May 22 '13
When I put ('OW_DEV_MODE', false) Oxwall removes all directories from the folder "ow_static \ themes" And the website, still using that route to load the css, javascript, ... That is, "" when the themes directory of the directory "ow_static" is empty.

When I put ('OW_DEV_MODE', true) Oxwall copy all directories in the folder "ow_themes" and puts them in the directory "ow_static \ themes". This is where the problem comes. When I switch from one mode to another, everything is going to hell.

Working on Windows 7 64bit, and I use EasyPHP 12.1 (5.4.6). The other apps I run great, except Oxwall, I've been in development for over four months and now feel I have lost all the work done.

I'm really desperate. I made a new installation with a new database from scratch. And to change the development mode to true and return to the false, everything is going to hell.

Does anyone know why that is this mess? What did not even runs a clean install after changing this constant?

I'm going to switch servers and try to see how and I'll tell you. I hope it is resolved soon because I see that I have pulled many months of work on the ground.
Alex Romero
Alex Romero May 22 '13
Easyphp I upgraded to version 13.1 and made ​​a new installation. I also downloaded the new version of Oxwall. I started from scratch and so far it seems to work without problems. Only one problem I found. I am translating from the Spanish language panel, after cloning of English that comes by default and only shows me some parts translated and not all. Let's say the first page I've edited correctly applied, but not thereafter. In the panel I Spanish translations appear correctly, however do not appear on the website. English is disabled and Spanish as the only language is active and appears as the default language.

Again Cache is the one that gives problems? How I can refresh the page to solve this mess? Is there any way to refresh the cache or delete?

Nobody is going lend a hand?
Daisy Team
Daisy May 24 '13
Alex, please change the theme folder name back to the default name. If you want to change the active theme for your site, go to phpMyAdmin, find the ow_base_theme table and set 1 value in the isActive filed for the theme you want to be activated. Then go to Admin Area > Settings > Language, scroll down and click the Save this page button, to clear the language cache and get back to me with the results.

Alex Romero, as far as I've understood you've solved the problem with the theme styles and now you cannot get your Spanish language work, am I right?
If so, please to Admin Area > Settings > Language, scroll down and click the Save this page button, to clear the language cache to solve the problem.
Alex May 29 '13

Thank you very much! For now the subject of themes resolved. However, I have found a new bug. If I create a folder inside ow_themes/mytheme/images/subfolder, not load the theme. I get a blank page. Do not you can create subfolders in the images folder?

On the other hand, is there any way to modify ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sign_in.html without touching the same file and include it in the directory of my template?

And finally, you can enter on that template sign_in.html to translate blocks of text from the control panel?

Daisy Team
Daisy May 30 '13

Quote from Alex If I create a folder inside ow_themes/mytheme/images/subfolder, not load the theme. I get a blank page. Do not you can create subfolders in the images folder?

You can create any subfolder in the images folder. Could you explain in more details what you want to do?

Quote from Alex On the other hand, is there any way to modify ow_system_plugins/base/views/components/sign_in.html without touching the same file and include it in the directory of my template?

It depends on what exactly you want to change. If you specify the areas you'd like to customize - I will provide you with directions.

Quote from Alex And finally, you can enter on that template sign_in.html to translate blocks of text from the control panel?

You can easily change the text values on the sign-in page via Admin Area > Settings > Language.
macallister Jul 30 '24
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