Thought i would try this to see if it worked to prevent the splash screen from appearing when user is logged in.
Regardless of cookie, if member is logged in they should never get the splash screen.
So in ow_core/application.php i changed the splash screen code, all i did was wrap it in an if statement.
//splash screen
//new if code added to prevent spash screen when members logged in
if ( empty($_COOKIE['ow_login']) && !OW::getUser()->isAuthenticated() )
if ( (bool) OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'splash_screen') && !isset($_COOKIE['splashScreen']) )
$attributes = array(
OW_RequestHandler::CATCH_ALL_REQUEST_KEY_CTRL => 'BASE_CTRL_BaseDocument',
OW_RequestHandler::CATCH_ALL_REQUEST_KEY_ACTION => 'splashScreen',
OW_RequestHandler::CATCH_ALL_REQUEST_KEY_JS => true,
OW_RequestHandler::CATCH_ALL_REQUEST_KEY_ROUTE => 'base_page_splash_screen'
OW::getRequestHandler()->setCatchAllRequestsAttributes('base.splash_screen', $attributes);
$this->addCatchAllRequestsException('base.splash_screen_exceptions', 'base.splash_screen');
}//close if empty cooke and not auth
What do you all think, will this work?
It does seem to work so far, if you think its a good idea maybe we can add this to the core release.