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online status always | Forum

Manish Apr 29 '11
sir, i seen a bug in the 1.1.1 mentance release and that is the all user (register/unverified/verified) who are not online always online weather they not on our site.... can it be fixed at http://yoursite.com/users you will find all users online
Rivu Apr 29 '11
It would be a problem related cron job. The Cron job was not set up properly.
Tango Apr 30 '11
i notice this also but on mine if the user clicks sign off mine works fine its when the user close's the page without signin off and quite a few are like that lols :) http://thetavernchat.hosts4you.net/users
Manish May 1 '11
ya its there but its a bug then not an cornjob problem.....
Michael Leader
Michael May 1 '11
Do notifications send out OK from the site? That is also an indication if cron is working.
Check your cron again...
Den Team
Den May 2 '11
Agreed, cronjob was not setup right.
The Forum post is edited by Den May 2 '11
Manish May 4 '11
yeaah it says ok report
Manish May 4 '11
yeaah it says ok report
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