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$site_url doesn't update after changing OW_URL_HOME | Forum

Tylor Froese
Tylor Froese May 26 '13
Hey there. I moved domains for my site and therefore changed the config.php OW_URL_HOME setting to be the new url, but when the system sends out emails that have the key {$site_url} in them it defaults to the old url. Do I need to run something to update those keys?


dave Leader
dave May 26 '13

I am about to do this in a about a week or so, i have done some prep work and it appears you prob need to do a search in the db for any of the old domain values and change them to the new value.   From what i have read Oxwall is not quite there yet on making changing domains a simple thing, but one day im sure it will be.


Just export your db and then open it in programmers notepad or PN+  and do a search for your old domain and im sure you will see there are still values that exist.


Im sure you know to always clear your cache using dev_mode true or the cache exteme plugin on such a change as well...

The Forum post is edited by dave May 26 '13
dave Leader
dave May 26 '13
site_name is in ow_base_config table  and you will still have some values in ow_newsfeed_action i believe
The Forum post is edited by dave May 26 '13
Alia Team
Alia May 28 '13
Tylor Froese, {site_url] is pulled from config.php. So changing it there should be enough.
BUT, if notifications are old ( meaning that they were generated when old URL was in config.php), they will be  linked to old domain name.  Since once notification is generated it becomes a static content ( same thing with newsfeed items mentioned by Dave- they are static content).

Can you try testing with new notifications? Send mass mailing or friends request or private message to any user?

- provide screen shot of your config.php settings ( or send it as text)
- provide screen shot of the email with incorrect URL. Point our which links goes to wrong URL ( would be great if you can send this as text as well).
- if possible provide your new site URL .