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My landlord is putting the house on the market, what are my rights/options? | Forum

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Hauwa Usman
Hauwa Usman Oct 25 '24
I’ve been in this “in-law’s apartment” for 3 years. Currently with no lease, originally 2 years. I could sign a 1 year lease before a sale. I also have no security deposit with her. As she used it for 1 month’s rent in 2019 as I was waiting for unemployment to kick in. (Took 7 weeks).

Should I have her make it say that I can move out sooner than 1 year with no “early termination” fees?

One thing that is making me mad is the fact the realtor told her that I would need to store all of my belongings in a storage unit. As I do have several of those large bins around. I feel I don’t have to do that, as it’s my personal belongings and such. What do you all think about this?
Ashwin Campbell
Ashwin Campbell Oct 25 '24
I know that laws vary by state and I'm no lawyer. A couple of thoughts come to mind though.

Could you have the current landlord add in that you have an assigned space for your belongings?

However, if the new landlord doesn't see the value in you staying there they are likely going to make your life miserable until you move out. the rules they establish now will be the ones you'll need to live with. Personally, if they're not flexible enough to want you to stay they probably don't want you in there anyway.

If that's the case, I'd find somewhere else to go.. just me though.
Pawl Kerson
Pawl Kerson Oct 25 '24
Having no lease can be a bit unsettling, especially with everything up in the air. It makes sense to ask for a clause that lets you move out sooner without penalties. A year can feel like a long commitment when things are uncertain.

I’ve been in a similar boat before. I lived in a place where the landlord mentioned needing to store stuff when they planned to sell. I pushed back on that because my belongings are mine, and I didn’t think I should have to pay extra for storage. I ended up finding a new rental through axonproperties.ca, and it was a much better situation for me.