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Replace words | Forum

Sean Jun 4 '13
Does anyone know of a plugin that could be used to replace words.

For example, if a user was to add a comment, or edit their profile with the word 'blue' it would replace it to 'pink'.

I have an adult site, and VISA and MASTERCARD are VERY specific about what words are, and are not allowed on sites that use them to process payments. 

If such a plugin does not exist, would anyone be willing to develop it? I will pay of course.

It would need to replace words from any user entry (comments, profile, groups, forum)etc. The words to lookup would be in a table, along with the word to replace it with.

For example . Green - Brown

I hope this makes sense?

dave Leader
dave Jun 5 '13

I am not aware of a plugin at the moment.  You may need to do some special coding.  I would recommend if you do the special coding to set it up to do the replacement immediately upon user input, that way you catch it right away.    Having the system constantly scan the whole site for words is server labor intensive and you dont want that.  Its better to do it right when they enter something.


Also be aware that major credit card companies do have auditors that check sites out from time to time and if they do find that the site is attempting in any way to sidestep policies it could mean trouble, so just be very careful and adhere fully to policy and you will be just fine.  Understand that they do this because they too are liable and its a huge legal issue for them, just be careful..


Just thought i might pass along some good info for you.   There are Oxwall coders available if you need to hire someone... :)  you can find them here http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 5 '13
Sean Jun 7 '13
Hi there,

Thanks for the advice, yeah they mentioned they would scan the site - which is why I wanted to change the words before they're inserted to the database. That way no one has really broken any rules, as the words were never present in the first place.

Humm, I'm thinking some kind of checking needs to be done, on the POST method before the comment or whatever it is is inserted to the database?

Thanks for the link, I will check it out!

Kairat Bakitow
Kairat Bakitow Jul 19 '13
Maybe this Badwords
Sean Jul 19 '13
This is exactly what I need! Thank you so much for developing this plugin! Perfect!
Daisy Team
Daisy Jul 22 '13
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.