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How spam can do it? | Forum

new Jun 8 '13
I have now enabled user roles to prevent spam and still wonder how spam can do this.. 
dave Leader
dave Jun 8 '13

Well i would assume it could be because if  you changed or added the user role while they were logged in, it might be that their login cookie/session  needs to expire  or they may need to log out and back in again for the role to apply to that member. 


Have you enabled manditory user approval ?

MarkieMark67 Jun 8 '13
No 100% to prevent spammers. But here is how I control them.

1.  Anti-spammer or Watch dog. A must

2.  Smart Captcha, and I keep adding questions Monthly.

3.  New user roles prevent users from posting till admin approves.

4.  CloudFlare Also prevents some spammers, and I can block IP & Countries as needed.

5.  User IP tracking so I can check up on new user and make sure they are from where they say they are.

new Jun 8 '13
Thanks for the advice. Watchdog, doesnt work properly, i have asked in the forum and no one replied to correct the problem. It lands my site to 500 error. 

Smart captcha i havent tried, will try now. 

I have applied new user roles and it works fine. 

I too have cloudfare activated. 

And currently i dont have any paid pluggin, so no ip tracking. 

As far as the mandatory user approve is the point, i feel forcing someone to wait to get approved is losing popularity. 

Steve Winter
Steve Winter Jun 9 '13
The IP tracker is only $5 and works great.
