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batch email | Forum

dave Leader
dave Jun 9 '13

I will be working on a temp fix for the email batch solution.   Oxwall 1.6 may or may not have this taken care of but i will come up with something temp for you all so that you can make an attempt to keep under your hosting mail limitations if you have any.


Since 1.6 may have this taken care of to some extent (i dont know)  i will not get carried away here, just come up with something simple like a sleep every 70 emails for 30 sec might work.  I will need to do this in the library and i will post something later today or in a while that we can try.


Remember when 1.6 comes out and you install it, this change will be lost but i cant wait for 1.6 to send mass emails so i need something and will share with you what works for me.



dave Leader
dave Jun 11 '13
fyi i did wrap that process in the library with a count if loop but it still send them all at once lol.. so its back to square one i guess lol.. :)