My question would be what exactly can the OSCL authorities do to prevent this and prosecute violators. I would suspect not much more than a slap on the wrist at best which is very sad indeed. OSCL authorities are not going pursue the long expensive court battle over violation for each person that does this.
They could take away their plugins, ban them from Oxwall (how i dont know).
They could even contact the local authorities in the hope that the violator gets scared enough by the inquest that they stop.
They could even report them to some online violation management site that puts their name in an online "black list".
Or report them to the ISP in the hopes the ISP will terminate their connection and ban them from further business, in small countries this hurts worse than in large countries.
But all in all, the sad case is that in the digital online open source market not much can be done to the serious violators, unless there is something i dont know about. This is why all my scripts are encoded and not open source.
Puru and others have been very gracious in his allowing us to use the plugins on OUR sites. NOT everyones site but OUR sites, if you have a couple of sites that is ok as long as it is YOURS. It is based on the gentlemens agreement and i for one believe and take that agreement seriously and i do not violate it. Others take that as a chance to exploit kindness and that sadly is the way of the world.
Well it may come to that, but that would mean that if you have two oxwall sites then you will need to pay for two plugins. I dont think any of us want that to happen. I happen to like the way it is now that i can use one plugin on all 3 of my sites.
Maybe a better solution is to privide a way for the devs to authorize via the key a domain list. When you buy a plugin and you have multiple sites that YOU own (they have to be your sites NOT YOUR CUSTOMERS SITES) you send an email to the dev letting them know which domains will be authorized and then the dev adds those domains to the list. And those will be the only domains authorized for that key. Also maybe we can set a max on this to 4 sites, any more than that you need to buy a new key.
With that said i do have a software that could help, but it would require that part of the plugin be encrypted with IonCube. One of my softwares that i wrote is called Authentlicense.
You can check it out here.
and the live video tutorial is here.
Yes but it pays for itself quickly. I am also willing to help out Oxwall deveolpers and offer them a discounted rate as a professional courtesy. PM me if interested.
Honestly Puru with your talent you could definetly write your own authentication script but im guessing you just dont have the time to do so as you have quite a bit on your plate right now. This is the same with many developers and so they like to have something that at is already poven to work. Which is why i developed this.
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