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Does Anyone know where this comes from, white box | Forum

dave Leader
dave Jun 13 '13

Hi, this white box appears after clicking to sign into the site,  it happens so fast that i cannot get the firefox inspector on it to see what css it is. 


It is annoying because it is white and my theme is dark, it looks horrible..


I think it might have something to do with the background for the confirm messages that we get but im not sure.


Does anyone know what css this is so i can change this.   I am running macabre but i think this is part of the default css not special to this theme.


see attached image.




The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 13 '13
dave Leader
dave Jun 14 '13

well i thought i really had this darn thing licked yesterday in the


/* ----  Message (Feedback) styles ---- */ 


area but its there again, so back to the drawing board..  


this thing is soooooooo annoying lol   and it happens on all themes too...  

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Jun 14 '13
I have a guy who is excellent with css. See Owaccessories.com for details. Css Ninja we call him. ;)
dave Leader
dave Jun 14 '13

Thanks, would be easy if i could manage to catch it with the FF investigator but cant seem to trap it.


Being a ninja wouldnt he need to come to me lol... :) 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 14 '13
Paul M.
Paul M. Jun 14 '13
I made an account on your site and tested login. I don't get the white box. Tested chrome, version 27.0.1453.110 m. Also tested with ff version 21.0.
dave Leader
dave Jun 15 '13

Thanks paul, its not a constant occurance, to get this to happen i usually log out and back in again several times OR it happens the first time i login in sometimes out of the blue.  I think it might just be some lag issue but im not sure thats why i wanted to try to capture the css and find out what was happening. 


I noticed that sometimes when this happens i dont aways get the green confirm message of authorization so thats why i thought maybe it was the background css container of those messages but i changed that css for that to show a certain odd color and turns out the background for the messages was there so i could see it but that box (when it ocurred) was still white.


probably out of 10 x  logging in, it might happen 3x, its not so bad on a white theme, i have seen it happen on this support when i login and its just a flash, but on my dark theme it really looks bad when it happens.


Of course this was on IE i dont recall it happening on the others.  That does not mean it hasnt it just means i dont use the others enough to really know for sure.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 15 '13