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IM blink box | Forum

dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13

Hi, i have found the css to change the header of the im box, but i have not found the css which makes a personal conversation box blink when you get a message, i can here the click and i can see the bottom border of the box blink but i cant find the css to change that color. 



personal box           main box (with all friends)

(this edge blinks)

what css is the color of that.



dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13
nevermind i got it  ow_chat_new_message
dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13

i wont go into detail of how to change the header and such but i will tell you all, daisy and others maybe you can make this core change. 


i found out if you change this css




give it a background-color and a height of 2px, then when someone sends you a PM the whole head box will blink rather than just the bottom border when you get a message.


I have noticed also that there are alot of css background statements that prob need to be changed to background-color: in stead.


Daisy Team
Daisy Jun 19 '13
Thank you for the feedback. I will forward it to our technicians.
dave Leader
dave Jun 19 '13

Thanks for the reply Daisy, yeah my members love the new blink header and its not just the header, if you have it mimimized its just the header which is cool, but also if you have it open but your not focus on it, the whole thing blinks and they love it, and then all you have to do is focus on it and it stops blinking.


Thanks so much enjoy your day :)

S. Bourdon
S. Bourdon Jul 20 '13

Could you share the modifications you did so that both the personal box and the main box blink whenever new messages are received?  I would like them to blink if they are fully open or minimized...

Thank you very much!

dave Leader
dave Jul 20 '13
the main box does not blink just the personal box header when min, and then when the pers box is not min the whole box blinks
S. Bourdon
S. Bourdon Jul 20 '13

But isn't there anything that could be done to make the main box blink, too?

By default, the notification displayed by the main box is far too easy to miss!

What could be done to achieve that?

Thank you very much!

dave Leader
dave Jul 20 '13

Is yours yellow, i think its yellow by default i dont remember, if not then you can change the color to yellow, if it is yellow then youll have to see how much a developer would charge you to make it blink or you could mod it yourself but remember when there is an update you will lose that mod. 

S. Bourdon
S. Bourdon Jul 20 '13

This is what I get when a new IM comes in:

Number "1" goes from gray to orange...

This is default behaviour with the Origin theme.

Are you getting something more noticeable from other themes?


dave Leader
dave Jul 20 '13
no its the same, its just more noticable with me because i use the macabre theme which is dark.  So im not sure what you can do short of modding the code.
S. Bourdon
S. Bourdon Jul 21 '13
OK, thanks for your help!
dave Leader
dave Jul 23 '13
cool jake thanks for sharing as well.