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Advice on best website to learn php | Forum

Pete Jun 18 '13

I am sick of waiting for somebody to build a forum bridge ,i think it would be faster to learn some basic php and build it myself .Any advice on good starter php websites or php ebooks ?




dave Leader
dave Jun 18 '13

First, how familiar are you with html and js, they are user side but it does help to know those first?


Also its not just php, you will need to get to know mysql/PDO as well. 


So what is your experience level now, can you build an html website from scratch without referring to the manuals, and have it pass W3C compliance? 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 18 '13
Pete Jun 18 '13

Im ok with html ,im prity good .know how to build a database from scratch roe by roe so i know the basics


Pete Jun 18 '13

I think best for me to learn just the basics of php first and progress from there


dave Leader
dave Jun 18 '13

Good, i asked because it is important that you have a grasp of the basic theory regardless of the language, input - process - output.   Those that have a firm grasp on the basics can pretty much learn any language because they all follow the same basic principles its just syntax differences. 


Yes there are some online courses out there as well as some youtube stuff.  But what i would recommend is grabbing a mysql (not PDO) written open source script, rip it apart in the sense that you sit there and say, i want to add this there and that there and do this differently and that is how you learn by doing..  


Also join a coding forum  this one is quite excellent, very knowledgeable people and highly respected  http://www.codingforums.com/index.php   there are coding gods there in which coding is their blood, they know just about everything there is to know and seem to have memorized the ref manuals.   I am very impressed by their knowledge.  


An old favorite reply to your question is, at one time long ago someone asked about learning php and someone replied:

php starts with <?php   and ends with ?>   everything in between is negotiable!   lol  

dave Leader
dave Jun 18 '13

The reason i said mysql is because even thought the mysql library is being deprecated, it is still a good source for learning the basics.  Both MySQLi and PDO use prepared statements  and those are over your head right now, maybe later.  It is good to learn to walk before you run.  If you would like for me to suggest an open source script i can.


But you are probably looking at a few  months to a year depending on how much time you spend on this before you are able to say you know the basics.

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 18 '13
Pete Jun 19 '13

Thanks Dave for all your good advice ,i will learn the basics first then get back to you when ever,about that script .I will deffo join codingforums.com




Austeyr Nov 27 '13
you can try http://www.codecademy.com this site is suggested by many even Creator of facebook endorses it. i made an account there and it's lots of fun they tech all code styles. check it out worth a look.
Pete Dec 31 '13
