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Errors in Installation | Forum

Tim A
Tim A May 8 '11
Hello all, i uploaded the files to my server and tried to run the installation, but got the following errors:

Notice: Use of undefined constant OW_URL_STATIC - assumed 'OW_URL_STATIC' in /home/campusal/public_html/community/ow_includes/define.php on line 30

Notice: Use of undefined constant OW_URL_STATIC - assumed 'OW_URL_STATIC' in /home/campusal/public_html/community/ow_includes/define.php on line 31

Notice: Use of undefined constant OW_URL_USERFILES - assumed 'OW_URL_USERFILES' in /home/campusal/public_html/community/ow_includes/define.php on line 32

Notice: Use of undefined constant OW_URL_USERFILES - assumed 'OW_URL_USERFILES' in /home/campusal/public_html/community/ow_includes/define.php on line 33

How do i correct this?

The installation URL i used is:

Den Team
Den May 9 '11
You need to set error_reporting to "E_AlL ~E_NOTICE" in your php.ini file. Currently, you php configured to display notices.
Tim A
Tim A May 9 '11
Thanks, but the installation is not going pass the first step
Den Team
Den May 10 '11
Did you change error_reporting? What error do you receive after first step?
Den Team
Den May 10 '11
Topic was moved from General Questions.