Whenever I embed a soundcloud on the Video plugin, the size of the player is stretched so wide and I have finally found why..
maybe this will help the developer to fix this Video plugin.
It's the % that SoundCloud use as their width number.
for example:
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/...%2Ftracks%2F97499979"></iframe>
width="100%" is translated by the Video plugin to = custom WIDTH of your video plugin (usually around 600) and %
so my video plugin is set to 640 by 363 (intended for youtube) but whenever I embed a soundcloud, the soundcloud player size will be 640% x 363 pixel
that 640% is the main problem.
could you fix this to just 640 instead of 640%?