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Fatal System Error! Please Help Me! | Forum

Maximilian Jul 2 '13

Sorry for my bad english

So I have cron enabled but somehow most plugins, such as Facebook Connect not go still. I also have the top green patrol in which text should actually be. -> See Screeshot

What can I do?

I have the version 1.5.3

  2013-07-03_06h05_23.png (38.66Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Jul 2 '13
Maximilian, try switching to English language.

Regarding FB connect, do you get any errors?
Can you provide screen shot of your FB App settings? You can PM this screen to me if you don't want it to be public.
Maximilian Jul 2 '13
This screenshot is about the fb app settings. I have problems with any plugins, the same error. hmm..
Maximilian Jul 2 '13
That with the language works, thanks! :)
Alia Team
Alia Jul 2 '13
Maximilian, this means that the lang. pack you have used ( I am not sure which language is it) is not complete and some phrases are missing translation. Try to find another language pack, or add all missing text keys in admin panel>>settings>>language.

Note: instead of "English" in your admin panel you will have your own language, so click on the number next to YOUR language and not "English" one.