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Photo Plugin Bug? | Forum

Tuan Jul 3 '13
I installed a fresh copy of the Oxwall yesterday and found some images that does not appear.

1. One in the avatars "which need to delete the -ALL" in the .htaccess. (solved)
2. Image didn't appear in Photo upload, images were uploaded but no images.
(solved by uninstalling photo plugin and re-installing it)

3. I could not uninstall Photo plugin in the admin section.
(Bug) then url to uninstall hangs here:
(it does not do anything afterward and set my site to maintenance)

What I did was looked at the other plugin uninstall url and typed:

this seem to got it to uninstall the photo plugin.

was this a bug? I am still not able to uninstall it by clicking the uninstall button. But instead I have to add the url above to uninstall.

  1.jpg (68.83Kb)
  2.jpg (18.23Kb)
Tuan Jul 3 '13
BTW, just out of curiosity, what version of Oxwall are you guys using on this forum/site?
Alia Team
Alia Jul 5 '13
Tuan, did you get to the page?