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Please help | Forum

Sandor Jul 4 '13
I deleted themes, like i read on this forum..but I got this error:

OW Debug - Exception

Message: Can't find master page `'.html_document.'` ! File: /var/www/tisztakapcsolat/data/www/tisztakapcsolat.hu/ow_core/theme_manager.php Line: 229 Trace: #0 /var/www/tisztakapcsolat/data/www/tisztakapcsolat.hu/ow_core/html_document.php(580): OW_ThemeManager->getMasterPageTemplate('html_document') #1 /var/www/tisztakapcsolat/data/www/tisztakapcsolat.hu/ow_core/response.php(184): OW_HtmlDocument->render() #2 /var/www/tisztakapcsolat/data/www/tisztakapcsolat.hu/ow_core/application.php(429): OW_Response->respond() #3 /var/www/tisztakapcsolat/data/www/tisztakapcsolat.hu/index.php(83): OW_Application->returnResponse() #4 {main} Type: InvalidArgumentException
I uploaded back th themes, but i got the same error... Is there any safe mode in the site to solve the problem?

Any idea will be useful.

Thank you.
Sandor Jul 4 '13
Never mind... i will got a backup tomorrow, so i think it will be solve.. but Please do not delete the themes (origin) via ftp...
Alia Team
Alia Jul 9 '13
Sandor, you should never delete Origin theme, since this is the base theme. This theme contains several .html pages that are used by all other themes and + without it your admin panel will be messed up.