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profile views shows everything ... help | Forum

Jesus Jul 10 '13

There are items such as personal email which I did not ticked in admin to display to all members, yet it still does.


I cannot get anything in profile questions to stay private, meaning not display to other members


How can I fix??


Please help

bobbi Jul 10 '13
only admin and moderators can see the email address in your members profiles :)
Jesus Jul 10 '13
true, i logged in with a regular account and all is well
thanks for your reply, i really appreciate it
Angel Jul 14 '13
I hope that in the next release, Oxwall will add privacy options for each profile questions just like facebook does. so they can choose between public, friends, or only me.. this is useful for people to share their IM screen names, email address, or other private information to their friends only..
Pete Jul 14 '13

Quote from Angel
I hope that in the next release, Oxwall will add privacy options for each profile questions just like facebook does. so they can choose between public, friends, or only me.. this is useful for people to share their IM screen names, email address, or other private information to their friends only..



if you use this mod you can hide your account for only friends to view

Angel Jul 14 '13
Thanks Pete, but that's not what I meant..

I want the user can still show anything that's set to public, and hide anything that's set to friends or only me.

for example, if a user sets his/her skype name to friends only, then only the skype info will be hidden from public, but the other area will still be available. just like facebook, where you can customize what to hide and what to show to public.

The Forum post is edited by Angel Jul 14 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jul 14 '13
Angel, we accept all suggestions at UserVoice (http://oxwall.uservoice.com/forums/13756-ideas-for-oxwall)