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How do I turn off Email notifications completely? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Angel Jul 10 '13

I'm worried about the Email notifications feature..

Say if I later have 500 inactive members, then any activity including them will send an email out from my site.. and that could be a problem with my hosting company, I read that their policy is not to send out more than 120 emails per hour.. what if in an hour there are 120+ email notifications sent? my site could be suspended easily >.<

Please tell me how to turn it off completely?

I mean, I still want the on site Notifications (top right button), but I want to turn off the Email notifications only..

Thank you

The Forum post is edited by Angel Jul 10 '13
ross Team
ross Jul 10 '13
Angel Jul 10 '13
Thank you ross!

But I think that's for each user's settings?

I mean, I want to completely turn off email notifications for all of my users... is there a way to do that?

Angel Jul 10 '13
Ah I found it!

at least with this modification: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10490?page=1#post-52583

will greatly reduce inactive members with email notifications set on..

I set the default to Never ^_^

Chelsea Jul 11 '13
Even I wanted the same thing. Will try this. Hope it works for me too..
ross Team
ross Jul 15 '13
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