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Is it a bug ? | Forum

Lech Sakhar
Lech Sakhar Jul 11 '13
When we are on "modify theme" page we cannot access to any of other dashbord functions.

If it happens only to me no problem l need to fix some issues but it seems it is a bug in the software ?

Alia Team
Alia Jul 15 '13
You mean "Edit Theme" section of the admin panel?
I wasn't able to reproduce this on my installation.
What steps should I follow? Just go to "Edit theme" and then try to go to my dashboard page?
Lech Sakhar
Lech Sakhar Jul 15 '13
yes !

the link is site.com/admin/theme

the only links available are are those of admin area : up right and up left

Alia Team
Alia Jul 16 '13
Honayn, can't seem to reproduce the issue on my own installation.
All areas from the screen shot bellow are working fine for me.

I will be glad to take a look at your issue if you provide access details to your admin area along with your site URL.