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Can't Start Album Title with Number? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Stephanie Urquhart
Stephanie Urquhart Jul 17 '13
Hello. I just had a member tell me that they tried to create an album and they were unable to name it with a number. For example, he tried to name it "2007 Tahoe" and it would not allow him to, and he had to name it "Tahoe 2007." Is there a workaround for this?

Thank you!
ross Team
ross Jul 18 '13
We couldn't reproduce the issue. 

I've just created new album on my test website and named it 2007 Tahoe without any problem. Can you specify whether you get any errors or messages while naming your album?

JERRU Jun 20 '24
Album titles often play a crucial role in setting the tone and theme of the music they represent. While starting an album title with a number isn't necessarily prohibited, many artists and bands choose aznameify to avoid it for various reasons. Titles beginning with words tend to be more evocative, offering a glimpse into the album's content or the artist's perspective.