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Seeing unread posts in forum | Forum

dave Leader
dave Jul 29 '13

Would be nice to be able to see how many unread posts you have in the forum, without having to go into each topic to check it.  Maybe somewhere along the bottom of the each category it could show the number of unread posts.



The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 29 '13
matt Aug 26 '13
+1 :) Great idea Dave!
Alia Team
Alia Aug 27 '13
Dave,  are you sure that you don't have some kind of device that reads my mind? =)
I have suggested the same thing couple of months ago.

We are already working on developing new feature for forum. Not exactly what you've suggested but...

I am waiting for this new feature more then for the mobile version. =)
dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '13
lol Aliia yes i have the power of OZ lol...  Thats great Aliia, lets hope the devs can read our minds as well.. ;)
Den Team
Den Aug 27 '13

Which topics do you mean: you have replied in or you have created? Or unread posts in all topic within the forum at all? :)

dave Leader
dave Aug 27 '13

yes unread topics in whole forum, even like phpBB does is fine.. Just make and indicator image next to the forum categories and topics and have it brighter if you have unread items and subdued if not.


What you dont want to happen is to see the notice or indicator on a category and then go into that category and have to look thru tons of topics to find the one that you need read.  So to have the indicator on both the category and the topic is great..



Den Team
Den Sep 2 '13
Ambiguous suggestion. As the most users don't participate in each section on forum, this option will be useless for them. 
dave Leader
dave Sep 2 '13

I was under the impression that things were built in this world for the majority not the minority.  IMO the majority of users in forums use subscribe to guage wether or not they are interested in a certain topic.  So this goes along with the "ambiguous suggestion" lol...  And that is if this forum was like 99.9% of other forums anywhere on the market, it would have the subscribe option but also the unread post option.  :)    You already do this it seems with topics sub topics, so why not with categories. Would it be that hard to take what you have done with topics and just add it to one lever upward?


I guess what we could do is if we are going to have half a forum, we could just call it a "for" and just tell everyone that the "rum" comes later LMAO ")



The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 2 '13
matt Sep 2 '13
:D That made me LoL, Dave.

Rich Oct 29 '13
Hi. I'm a new OxWall site developer and am very interested in knowing what the status is of this feature (seeing unread posts in the forum). It would be a very nice improvement. Otherwise, my team and I love this software. Thanks to all who make it great!