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Forum "new" notice next to topic. | Forum

Joshua Jul 29 '13
Is there a way to get the "New" notificiation like on the Oxwall threads but on the categories instead?
Daisy Team
Daisy Aug 7 '13
Yes, it's possible to add a new icon to the forums list, but it requires a complicated code modification.

I can just show you the files that will help you to find out how the forum plugin works.

Please check the following file: /ow_plugins/forum/views/components/forum_group.html to see how the system adds a new icon.

You can find the functionality responsible for the forum list page  here: /ow_plugins/forum/views/controllers/section_index.html

Joshua, why do you want to add this icon? If you have a high activity on your site forum - this icon will always show and the forum will always be marked as new.

Joshua Aug 7 '13
Mostly because the members were saying they only know when new posts are added to a topic if they go to specific forum lists. Not the general list or it shows up on the front page.