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Christopher Santos
Christopher Santos Aug 6 '13
hello to all,,,

to pro developers,, anyone can help me how to install cometchat??
and anyone can share me profile cover and profile +plus??

more power and godbless.

The Forum post is edited by Christopher Santos Aug 6 '13
Soundchum web solution
for installing cometchat i can install it for you

But for sharing plugins it is illegal and impossible to do it it, this is paid plugins and you must buy it from the store because the plugins developers spent more time and big efforts to develop these plugins .

Christopher Santos
Christopher Santos Aug 6 '13
ok sir,,,

can u help me in cometchat??

Abbey Aug 7 '13
I can help you install cometchat. message me
Romuald Oct 19 '13


If anyone can help me thank you install cometchat mp please

Soundchum web solution
ok there
i sent you pm if you are ready answer me