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Anyone know if and when the newsfeed action gets truncated or trimmed | Forum

dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

I have over 5 thousand items in my newsfeed, at this rate i will have 25 thousand by the end of the year. 


That old stuff is so far in history nobody is ever going to go read those feeds ever, they would have to hit next page like 50 x at least  and they are not going to do that.


I had thought i heard someone at one time say that the cron took care of truncating and or trimming the newsfeed action, action feed and newsfeed activity tables, the three largest tables at a certain point.


If this is true can someone shed some light on this as far as what the value is in cron..  or what the best way to do this manually, im guessing just start zapping rows but i want to check first.



Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Aug 13 '13
delete them from php my admin 
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13

Kieron appreciate your reply however i think in this case i would prefer to wait to hear from a team member or from someone who has done this :) to be on the safe side.

Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Aug 13 '13
i have done it before you just deete the certain newfeed posts from the ow_base_newsfeed
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13
What about the other tables, action feed and such there i more than one newsfeed table to do this and several that are large
Kieron H Leader
Kieron H Aug 13 '13
i only deleted of that table and they were gone 
dave Leader
dave Aug 13 '13
well then you prob have a ton of rows in the other tables which is why i want to wait.  I dont want to do a half way cleanup.
The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 13 '13
dave Leader
dave Aug 15 '13

Thanks Paul :)  


The main thing im concerned is the larger tables out of that list, but im afraid that since they are linked i will begin to have issues getting rid of just the larger table data.  I guess if i wanted to be drastic i could just truncate the first 5 and then with the comment table get rid of lets say anything older than a few months.   Or i could go page by page of my main page ad just choose the delete option and let the system do the work, but that would take forever to do.  So i guess i may just have to wait for someone to come up with a utility plugin to do this correcty.   


Yeah i noticed last night too that PM messages to deleted users are also maintained.  I got the viewPm plugin utility and i was amazed that all those PM were still in the db.  I guess i assumed that when you deleted a user, their emails would be removed as well, yes even the copy from the other party should be removed in my opinon.   And if they are to be maintained then at least there should be an admin option to clean them up. 

dave Leader
dave Aug 15 '13

+1  its just me, although i know the server and the db can handle it,  i am very anal about storing old data for no reason and just letting it sit there endlessly, it bugs me to no end lol..   If they had numbered pagination on the main and dboard pages then yes i might keep it because it might actually be accessed.  But with "cick next page" process it will never happen.

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 15 '13
dave Leader
dave Aug 15 '13

Yeah i mentioned it to Puru this morning.

dave Leader
dave Aug 15 '13
ok thanks :) nice work keep me updated if you run into anything, really appreciate it..
Alia Team
Alia Aug 16 '13
Dave, not sure whether this  answers your question but system checks for expired newsfeed items once a week ( cron.php under /ow_plugins/newsfeed). 

 $this->addJob('deleteExpired', 7 * 3600 * 24); // once a week

Newsfeed item is considered as "expired" if  it has been inactive ( no comments, no likes) for 3 months.

If you would like to I will check which database tables are involved in this process.
Alia Team
Alia Aug 16 '13
Team members don't check "General Chat" often as it is originally created for community members to chat with each other. So if you have a question related to how things work in Oxwall and you need a team member to read/reply to it, it is better to post topic under "General Questions".
dave Leader
dave Aug 16 '13
Thanks Aliia yeah would be nice to know what tables are involved.  Also thanks for he heads up on then posting.. :)   Also do you know if dev has plans in place to take care of the deleted user email situation?
The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 16 '13
Valentin Aug 20 '13
I also crop the newsfeed, but after installing the plug attachment to fix it
The Forum post is edited by Valentin Aug 20 '13
dave Leader
dave Aug 20 '13
@Valentin  ?????
Valentin Aug 20 '13
Sorry for my English. I understand that you, like I fell off positions with tape activity. Not displayed for more than 30 posts. So after you install the plug-in "Attachments" all healed and the news began to show up to the end obsolyutno all.
Alia Team
Alia Aug 21 '13
Dave, here is the list of tables:


Basically deleting expired items by Cron works just like deleting newsfeed item in a regular way ( using  "delete" button).
dave Leader
dave Aug 21 '13

Aliia your the bestest lol... thanks :)

Alia Team
Alia Aug 21 '13
And, your second question:

>>  Also do you know if dev has plans in place to take care of the deleted user email situation?

Can you remind me what was the situation about?
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