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Website down - error 500 debugged | Forum

Doane Sam
Doane Sam Aug 14 '13
Hi there,

We just launched our social network last Sunday, and two days later it started getting error 500, and then the whole website went down, showing only error 500.

I changed the config.php for debugg mode and here is the following error report.

I appreciatte if anyboy can help me with that, the page has been down for two days and everybody asking what's going on. :( 

  avrilbookerrors.jpg (314.46Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Aug 14 '13
Doane, have you tried to repair the table mentioned in the error?

Doane Sam
Doane Sam Aug 15 '13
thanks Allia, I did what you said and the page is back online, only problem is that it's full with minor bugs, some of it I've been able to fix it, but completely lost in others, like "sign in" for example, doesn't show the wrap with the form.(so if a person logoff, it can't log in again) Do you know where I should look for this one?

Thanks again for your help ! 

Alia Team
Alia Aug 15 '13
Doane, can I have your site URL?