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Label on avatar [Solved] | Forum

Josh Aug 16 '13
Every-time I want to put a label on my active members or moderators on their avatar, at loading bar comes up with a greying out of the entire window. This loading bar just keeps loading up over and over. It doesn't allow me to make their label on their avatar. At one time this button worked, but what can I do now? See screenshot: 
The Forum post is edited by Alia Aug 21 '13
  2013-08-16 08.00.50 am.png (60.7Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Aug 18 '13
Josh, can you PM me your admin panel username and pass?
Josh Aug 19 '13
Alia Team
Alia Aug 20 '13

Debug tool shows that there is a 500phtml error.
You will need to enable DEBUG mode ( set to true) in config.php.
Instructions: http://docs.oxwall.org/plugin-tuts:enable-debug

Once you enable DEBUG mode, try to change the avatar label settings once more.
You should get the screen with the real error.
More info about 500phtml error here:http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/4661
Josh Aug 20 '13
I need another solution. I go into config and change from false to true on Debug.. then I go and change the avatar label again and the same screen pops-up. A loading bar with grey. No difference, and it doesn't tell me what error it is. Any other ideas Aliia? Is there some way to tell what error it is, perhaps I am not reading the right thing?
The Forum post is edited by Josh Aug 20 '13
  2013-08-19 09.44.13 pm.png (43.83Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Aug 20 '13
Josh, can you PM me your control panel access details? I will be glad to check this for you.
Josh Aug 20 '13
adminnoah Aug 20 '13
i have same problem with josh.., i want to change avatar label but nothing happen, just loading 1000x
Alia Team
Alia Aug 21 '13
In Josh's case the issue was caused by "Nofollow" plugin.

Adminnoah, do you have this plugin installed as well?
If you do have this plugin, deactivate it.
Try to assign avatar label to avatar.
If everything starts working, contact plugin developer and report this issue to him/her.

adminnoah Aug 21 '13
^_^ Oh..., it works" a big thanks Aliia..., GOD blessed Oxwall team...,

Josh Aug 21 '13
Ok, this is a solution! Thank you for your indepth work Aliia. I do appreciate it. I also am in contact with the developer of this plugin, so he is fully aware of the bug. Perhaps we all helped him as well with it's development. Thanks!
Martyn ZombieTuesday
Im having this same issue! but don't have the nofollow plugin installed .. can anyone help please?

ross Team
ross Jan 28 '14
Martyn, what Oxwall version you use? when did you noticed this happening? Have you installed some plugin before that? Please install firebug in Firefox and check the errors what errors you have in the console while launching the popup with the labels. 
MatthewMorgan Sep 26 '23
The use of labels on avatars goes beyond mere identification. It can be a powerful means of self-expression, allowing users to adopt unique names or tags that reflect their personality, interests, or online persona. We are offering you to get rugged tablet pc and learn things related your tablet. For gamers, it's a way to build a recognizable gaming identity and engage with a specific gaming community. On social media platforms, avatars and their associated labels help users establish a personal brand or convey their affiliations and interests. In virtual reality environments, labels can enable smoother communication and collaboration by making it easier for users to address one another.
Post Minder
Post Minder Oct 9
Là Fuori is a reflection of the love for travel, sustainability, and the finer things in life, gathering 'nomadic creatives' to uplift and preserve the traditions of artisans worldwide. La Fuori