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Waiting for nearly 2 months for the new oxwall | Forum

Joseph Simon
Joseph Simon Aug 17 '13
Come on guys .we are waiting for nearly 2 months for the latest oxwall version but still no luck yet :( hurry up will ya?

suresh kumar
suresh kumar Aug 17 '13
hurrying up of things will get you only errors and problems .. quality product takes time
dave Leader
dave Aug 18 '13
There is an old saying "where ever you are, thats where your at" lol   likewise  it will not be released before it is ready.   Its not about keeping a schedule IMO, its about quality.  If it takes until 2014 then so be it. 
Michel Aug 19 '13
why not doing it in steps then? also some kind of update how far they are would be cool to:)
Steve Winter
Steve Winter Aug 23 '13
Patience comes to those who wait.

And isn't the correct expression "Are we there yet, are we?"

Thank you.

Alokik Yadav
Alokik Yadav Sep 1 '13

I think it will Release in December.

on Christmas time May be!

dave Leader
dave Sep 1 '13



The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 1 '13
Josh Sep 2 '13
Dave, only you would see the women in the background. I was starring at that other set of gorgeous pancakes. :) 
dave Leader
dave Sep 2 '13
lol josh...