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Oxwall software for Adult website | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Lee Aug 24 '13
Does anyone know, do Oxwall allow people to use oxwall software to open an adult dating website?

If yes, do I need to have a license to open an adult dating site?

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Aug 24 '13
Yes you are allowed to build adult sites. 
Lee Aug 24 '13
Do I need to have a license to open an adult dating site?
Ebenezer from Bluetide Webs
Quote from Kou Lee Do I need to have a license to open an adult dating site?

No license is required, just download and install the oxwall software free from 
http://www.oxwall.org/download ;
Abbey Aug 24 '13
I wouldn't use oxwall for a dating site unless you were making it zone specific, ie australia, canada or uk etc due to the fact it has no location option and although you could implement something.
Maybe try the skadate lite?

good luck creating your website
Lee Aug 24 '13
skadate life don't have the feature that i want. Does anyone know can I use oxwall third party plugin for skadate life?
Pete Aug 24 '13

If you want a good script try this http://datingscripts.co.uk  I had some problems at the start using it,but there support is first class and sorted all my problems out within 12 hours of sending them a ticket


look at my site I am building with there script  http://fancyflirts.co.uk/


I am still working on my site ,but its worth taking your time to get everything right and running proper



Pete Aug 24 '13
I will be using oxwall for some othere of my sites I have planned when there mobile comes out and thay fix this slowness in there script,big letdown with speed but a good script to use if this slowness was sorted,or you can fix it yourself
The Forum post is edited by Pete Aug 24 '13
Lee Aug 24 '13
how much does it cost for you to build your site http://fancyflirts.co.uk pete?
ross Team
ross Aug 26 '13

You can use most of the Oxwall plugins on the Skadate lite software. They are compatible. But Skadate Lite team is responsible for the work of default plugins and themes only.