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No image in photo | Forum

Anonim Anonimov
Anonim Anonimov Aug 29 '13
I have no image in photo. I reinstalled plugin Photo, but it didn't help to solve problem. Please, help me.
The Forum post is edited by Anonim Anonimov Aug 29 '13
  photo2.png (168.49Kb)
Alia Team
Alia Sep 2 '13

1. some folders might be  missing on your server.
Check whether you have:


Check whether corrupted images physically exist within those folders.

2. Make sure that those folders are set to have 777 permissions recuresively.

3. If you are using google maps plugin deactivate it.

4. Might be .htaccess issue: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/5025

5. Check your access/error logs. Do they have anything related to photos?