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What plugins will work on mobile when 1.6 comes out. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Aug 30 '13

In the new blog Emil says,

"I’ll remind you that we are not just making “mobile versions” of essential plugins — our task is to also provide a basis for mobile plugins by other developers."

My question is What plugins will be supported. Of course there is a bit of self interest with my Ajax IM with Video Support plugin. Will this work on mobile? What other plugins will work on mobile? What plugins wont? I think If we have to wait another month or two then it would be good to know what will be supported and what wont. Thanks in advance guys. 

Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Sep 1 '13
Joshua Sep 2 '13
I think one that is essential are the forums. Most people use the forums.

But if I had to pick. I'd say.






and Photo uploads


Pretty much the basic plugins oxwall already comes with.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
I feel that its going to take more time for developers to create a mobile view for the existing plugins.

Lets wait for the per-release version.
Austeyr Feb 18 '15
so we are now at version, 1.7.2 and we haven't seen much added to mobile yet. 

I am using a responsive theme and it's doing the job better the the mobile plugin.

is there any news on when mobile is going to see improvements or is there a way we can add the base features of oxwall to mobile our self.







surly someone is willing or has been working on getting these base oxwall plugins to work on mobile version, just seems pointless still after all this time to even activate mobile, your just better off turning it off, and using a responsive theme cause everything works fine doing it that way..